Applied Dimensionality

Recent posts

Sep 9, 2024
Calculating IRR in Planning Analytics yet again
I’ve been using Java extensions for calculating IRR in Planning Analytics for quite a while, but it’s time to revisit this approach with the upcoming Planning Analytics version 2.1 deprecating Java Extensions among other things.
Jan 6, 2024
Archiving Planning Analytics data
Had another TM1 / PA archiving project recently, so a bit of a write-up of how I suggest doing these :) Why archive PA data? A common TM1 practice is add a ‘snapshotting’ / ‘copy’ / ‘publishing’ functionality that allows you to copy the current working data set to another version to be able to refer to it later on.
Oct 30, 2023
Cognos Analytics Rest API and Python
Recently I had a chance to work a fair bit with Cognos Analytics Rest API to automate security and thought I’d share some learnings and lessons along the way. In the initial stage of the project when we were debating whether to use REST API or SDK for automation and I was pushing for REST API as I wanted to use Python, one of the team members mentioned that “Python has way too many libraries”, so I had to create another one by publishing the Python wrappers for Cognos Analytics calls I used :)
Jun 14, 2023
ExecuteHttpRequest in Planning Analytics version 11
There are a few new TurboIntegrator functions in Planning Analytics Engine (or version 12) that do not exist (yet?) in the server version 11 that I’m working with all the time.
Jun 4, 2023
Installing PA at scale
Thought I’d describe how we installed / upgraded Planning Analytics and Cognos Analytics on 100+ servers. TLDR: pretty much like in the picture above :) We had a couple of iterations in this environment over the years, first for a 10.
Dec 14, 2022
Processing a billion+ cells in Planning Analytics
This is post is updated on 2022/12/20 to correct a couple statements below based on the Linkedin discussion we had and add an example of commit timing. I remember reading
Oct 12, 2022
Display time in different timezones in Planning Analytics
Quick write-up on how to display time in different timezones in Planning Analytics while we’re waiting for a timezone aware format to be added. We end up using a cube to display messages to end users in every project, something as simple as:
Sep 11, 2022
Planning Analytics Workspace security
Going through a security set up for a project now with Planning Analytics Workspace as front-end and thought I’d share how we set up PaW & PA security in hte last few ‘largish’ deployments, i.
Jul 14, 2022
TM1 Git integration - why it doesn't work for me
Thought it’d be interesting to write out the things that stop me from using TM1 Git integration so far. There’s been a few discussions on tm1forums that highlight some of them:
Feb 19, 2022
Configuring keepalive for Oracle connections in Google Compute Cloud
We’ve spent a bit of time trying to figure it out recently, so putting it out there for future Google search :) GCP network is using a 10 minute connection tracking and drops the connection deemed ‘idle’ once they exceed this limit.