Going through a security set up for a project now with Planning Analytics Workspace as front-end and thought I’d share how we set up PaW & PA security in hte last few ’largish’ deployments, i.e. with
multiple TM1 servers
multiple development teams
maybe there’s a better way out there, please let me know?
Some background
Planning Analytics Workspace (PaW) has a security model that is not connected to TM1 groups
PaW security defines what books / folders users are seeing on login
PaW security has no automation hooks, only the ability to import / export current user & group definition from a file
Multiple teams shouldn’t have Administrator capability in PaW in production
Security maintenance should be centralised for auditing / compliance reasons
The question is how we grant users access to Planning Analytics (with PaW as front-end) in a robust fashion without making all developers admin everywhere?
The approach we use
PaW is the main source of security (list of users & groups) on a fairly high level (level of book access), i.e. we would have a Server A XYZ Application user group to define access to Application XYZ books in PaW.
Each TM1 server defines a finer level of security (i.e. access to a specific dimension elements or cube security for a users in XYZ Application group). As an aside: I’m a big fan of splitting security definition in 2 sets of groups:
application groups that define the object security (i.e. what cubes / dimensions / processes) members can see, for example OPEX application
data groups that define the element security for dimensions, for example Cost Centre N
Users are added in PaW and assigned to “application groups” by central PaW admin
After adding users / groups PaW admin exports the list of users and groups to a shared location.
Each Tm1 instance reads this export on schedule and ‘filters’ only the groups & users to be added for this server, adds and assigns the user groups. Here’s a sample of a TI that uploads the file
Something like this:
This approach has the following benefits:
Centralised user access maintenance
A reasonable compromise between level of security granted in PaW (i.e. access to Opex application) and a more detail group assignment in TM1 (access to cost centre N)
Adding / removing users from PaW will sync to all related Tm1 models as long as the updated security definition is exported from PaW
And following drawbacks:
Manual security assignment in PaW, here’s to hoping for an API.
PS: the cat picture is generated by Stable Diffusion, I’m not running out of cat pictures ever again.