Apr 30, 2012
Cognos Transformer multi-server cube building revisited
I was decribing the 4-year old trick of using Cognos server cluster to build powercubes and got a new idea.
Really, PowerPlay cubes building via scripts is a so 1990s, 21st century is for enterprise scale, failover, monitoring and you-know-the-pitch.
Feb 18, 2012
TM1 MDX querying snippet
I’m playing around with some TM1 ideas and all of them require some sort of sparsity analysis. And since TM1 supports MDX (to some extent, to say it mildly) and I like MDX and used it a lot with Essbase, I thought it’d be wonderful to use MDX.
Jan 23, 2012
Cognos Content Store Security Overview in SQL
Ever found yourself wondering what users are really there in your BI Consumers or any other group? Sure, you’ve got a few of them explicitly listed there (bad practice) but mostly you’ve got just a list of other groups like “Western Division”, “Marketing” and all those (good practice).